By entering and participating in the Paqui Fan CTA Contest (“Contest”), you (“you” or “ Partcipant”) agree to comply with these Official Rules. Any noncompliance with the Official Rules will result in your Submission being deemed ineligible. PLEASE READ THESE RULES. Submissions will be taken at the bottom.

This Contest is void outside the territory specified below and where prohibited by law.

This Contest is not sponsored, endorsed, or administered by, or associated with, Instagram.

Contest Entry Time . The Contest will begin on 12:01 AM EST on August 11, 2021 and end on 11:59 PM EST on September 1, 2021 (“Submission Period”). Sponsor’s clock shall be the official timekeeper.

Eligible Participants . Only individuals who are at least eighteen (18) years old or the age of majority in their state of residence, and who are legal residents of the United States are eligible to enter the Contest. Employees of Sponsor and its affiliates, or Paqui Chips/Amplify Snacks Brands, Inc., and their respective household members (whether or not related) and immediate family members (regardless of place of residence), are not eligible to participate in this Contest. Submissions from ineligible individuals will be rejected by Sponsor.

In case of any dispute as to Participant identity, the authorized account holder of the account used to enter a Participant’s Submission shall be deemed the Participant.

Sponsor Decisions . Sponsor’s decisions regarding these Official Rules shall be final and binding. Sponsor reserves the right in its sole discretion to disqualify any individual who: (1) does not comply with these Official Rules; (2) tampers with the entry process, the operation of the Contest, or the operation of any websites or systems used to administer the Contest; or (3) who otherwise acts to or attempts to act to disrupt the Contest or undermine the Contest’s legitimacy in any way. If Contest operation or administration is impaired or thwarted in any way for any reason, including, but not limited to, fraud or technical problems, Sponsor may in its sole discretion: (1) terminate the Contest; (2) suspend and/or reschedule the Contest; or (3) modify these Official Rules in order to accommodate the impairment or disruption.

How to Enter .

You may enter by posting your One Chip Challenge (“OCC”) videos (your “ Submission”) on your personal Instagram account during the Submission Period and including the following tag and hashtags: #OneChipChallenge, #FirstWeFeast and tag @PaquiChips. All Submission videos with appropriate tag and hashtag will be pulled into Paqui’s Wall of Infamy through the TINT platform (

You must list the tags and hashtags at the beginning of your caption. You must include all tags and hashtags. If your Submission does not follow these Official Rules, it may be disqualified.

Your one (1) post shall count as your Submission for entry. You may enter only one (1) Submission per person.

You should only submit entry from one account. Do not create multiple accounts or use automated methods to enter multiple times, as such Submissions will be disqualified.

If you do not have an Instagram account, signing up for one is free. All Instagram terms and conditions will govern your account and you should review them before signing up. Your Instagram must be set to “public” in order for you to be eligible. You can reset your account to “private” any time after the Winner is announced.

Submission Rules . You may enter only one (1) Submission per person. Each Submission must meet the following Submission rules (“Submission Rules”). Any Submission not satisfying the Submission Rules will be deemed ineligible for the Contest. Each submission must:

Sponsor reserves the right to allow for minor deviations from the Submission Rules on a case-by-case basis, as determined by Sponsor in its sole discretion.

Non-Confidential . Sponsor will treat Submissions as non-confidential and non-proprietary. By entering your Submission, you understand that Sponsor may use any ideas, concepts, know-how, or techniques contained in your Submission without any compensation or obligation to you, and for any purposes whatsoever, including, without limitation, in advertising and marketing materials and in developing future products and services.


One (1x) winner of the Contest (“Winner) will be reposted on Complex’s First We Feast social channels (i.e., Instagram, Facebook and Twitter).

Sponsor shall retain full editorial control over the posts on First We Feast’s social channels, and shall have sole discretion regarding what Submissions are included in in First We Feast social channels and all editing decisions related to the posts on the First We Feast social channels.

The Prize has no cash value, and does not include any tickets or other entry to any First We Feast event or other programs.

All Prize details are at Sponsor’s sole discretion.

Judging Process .

A panel of three (3) judges from Complex’s First We Feast will review all Submissions. The judges will use the following criteria when reviewing Submissions: Best/Biggest Reaction (25%), Tears/Crying (25%), Overall Editing (25%), and Best Overall Video (25%).

Sponsor reserves the right to not award all Prizes if, in its sole discretion, it does not receive a sufficient number of eligible and qualified Submissions. All decisions are in the sole discretion of Sponsor and judges and are final and binding. Sponsor will not reveal judging scores for any Submission.

Winner Conditions . Sponsor will notify potential Winner via direct message or email on or around September 20, 2021. Potential Winner will be required to execute an Affidavit of Eligibility and Publicity Release Form (except where prohibited) (collectively, “Winner Form”) before receiving the Prize. If a potential Winners fails to respond, or to execute the Winner Form or refuses to do so within three (3) days of receiving notification from Sponsor, Sponsor may, in its sole discretion and time permitting, disqualify the potential Winner and select a replacement. The Prize is not transferable or assignable. Prize cannot be redeemed for cash. No substitutions of prizes will be allowed, except that Sponsor reserves the right to substitute a prize of comparable or greater value in Sponsor’s sole discretion. Winners shall be solely responsible for all taxes associated with the Prize. Sponsor shall not reimburse Winner for any costs or expenses associated with participating in the Contest or accepting the Prize, except as expressly stated in these Official Rules.

Participant Representations and Warranties . By entering your Submission, you represent and warrant that:

If you become aware that any part of your Submission includes material for which you lack the unrestricted right to grant us the right and license set forth in these Official Rules, you agree to promptly provide us with detailed written notice at and Complex Media, Inc., 229 W 43rd Street, New York, NY 10036.

Intellectual Property Ownership . By entering your Submission, you agree that as between you and Sponsor, Sponsor shall own all right, title, and interest in the any Complex Content that will incorporate Submissions (“Complex Content”). You shall retain ownership of your Submission, subject to these Official Rules (including any licenses granted under these Official Rules). However, Sponsor has no obligation to return Submissions and will not return Submissions, and has no obligation to provide you with any copies of your Submission (including as it may be embodied in the Complex Content). By entering your Submission, you agree that you have no right to access, archive, maintain, or otherwise use your Submission on Sponsor’s systems or websites, or (if applicable) as your Submission may be embodied in the Complex Content. Sponsor may discontinue operation of its systems or Website, or discontinue distribution or publication of the Complex Content, in whole or in part, at any time in its sole discretion.

Participant Grant of License . By entering your Submission, you grant to Sponsor, Paqui Chips/ Amplify Snacks Brand Inc. , Instagram, and to their respective affiliates, licensees, and assignees (“Licensee Parties”) an unrestricted, unconditional, worldwide, irrevocable, perpetual, fully paid-up and royalty-free, non-exclusive, transferable and sublicensable (through multiple levels) right and license to use, reproduce, display, distribute, transmit, publish, edit, sell, prepare derivative works of, broadcast, archive, reformat, translate, and otherwise exploit your Submission and the likeness of any individuals contained therein, including your own, in all media now known or later invented for any purpose, including, without limitation, use in advertising, marketing, and promotional materials for our business and for the business of our parents, subsidiaries, successors, and affiliates. Your grant of license includes the right to freely edit or modify your Submission in any way without providing you with prior notice, and you waive all approval rights to any use or modification of your Submission.

By entering your Submission, you also waive all claims you may have at any time in any jurisdiction to “moral rights” or “droit moral” with respect to your Submission. The right and license granted by you to us under these Official Rules may not be terminated, revoked, or rescinded, and are not subject to reversion; the rights granted by us under these Official Rules may be terminated, revoked, or rescinded, and are subject to reversion.

Winner Publicity Release . By accepting the Prize, you grant permission for the Licensee Parties to use your name, city and state of residence, likeness, other personal characteristics (including social media account details), and Prize information for any purpose, including advertising and marketing materials, worldwide, in perpetuity, and in all forms of media now known or later invented without further compensation, and you waive all rights to notice or approval of such uses.

Participant Indemnity and Release . By participating in the Contest, you agree to defend, indemnify, and hold the Licensee Parties harmless against all claims related to: (1) your participation in the Contest; (2) use of your Submission; and (3) your acceptance of and use of the Prize. You also agree that the Licensee Parties are not responsible for any losses, damages, or injuries resulting from your participation in the Contest or from your acceptance and use of the Prize.


Errors . Sponsor is not liable for typographical or other errors in these Official Rules, the processing or judging of Submissions, in Winner selection, notification, and announcements, or in any other material related to the Contest. Sponsor is not responsible for any error, omission, interruption, deletion, defect, delay in operation or transmission, network failure, theft, destruction, or unauthorized access to any systems associated with the Contest.

Lost, Late, or Incomplete Entries. Sponsor is not responsible for late, lost, incomplete, inaccurate, delayed, stolen, garbled, or misdirected Submissions, posts, comments, messages, email, or mail, including, without limitation, Submissions that are lost or incomplete due to computer or electronic malfunction or due to issues with internet connectivity.

Participant Information . When you enter the Contest, you may be required to provide certain types of personal information, such as your name and email address. You will be providing your personal information to us, and not to Instagram. Your personal information will not be sold to third parties. Your personal information may be shared with third parties as necessary to administer the Contest, to carry out judging, and to create the Complex Content; in addition, it may be used for other purposes as further described in our Privacy Policy. By entering your Submission, you consent to such sharing of your personal information. Your personal information may also be used to contact you in connection with the Contest in a variety of ways, including via direct message or email. By entering your Submission, you consent to receive such communications.

No Waiver . Failure by Sponsor to enforce any part of these Official Rules shall not constitute waiver of that part.

Governing Law . These Official Rules shall be governed in accordance with the laws of New York, without regard to its choice of law principles.

Sponsor . Complex Media, Inc. is the sponsor (“Complex,” “Sponsor,” “we,” “our,” “us”) of the Sweepstakes. Complex’s address is 229 W 43rd Street, New York, NY 10036.

Winner List . For a list of Winner, please email within one (1) year from the end of the Submission Period.